Welcome to the website of Stewart Henderson

Poet, Songwriter and Broadcaster

Stewart Henderson is a poet, songwriter and broadcaster. Born in Liverpool, Stewart was part of the ‘second wave’ of Merseyside poets, following on the trail set by Roger McGough, Brian Patten and the late Adrian Henri. Stewart’s poetry for adults runs into nine collections and has been broadcast on numerous BBC Radio & TV programmes. And The Sunday Times described Stewart’s children’s poetry as ‘essential reading’.

As a songwriter, both Q and Mojo magazines, respectively, have placed his material in the same league as Randy Newman and Radiohead, whilst BBC Radio 2’s Bob Harris has praised his ‘outstanding lyrical intelligence’.

And as a broadcaster, (both presenter, and producer), Stewart not only hosted, ‘gem of the airwaves’ - Questions, Questions for ten years on BBC Radio 4 but also has been responsible for crafting and scripting various, critically acclaimed features and documentaries, including ones for BBC Radio 2 and The World Service, picking up a Sony Award nomination along the way.

Stewart Henderson

Photo: John de Garis

Latest news

A new song lyric from Stewart - 'Last Night I Heard America’

With the American election precariously in view, Stewart has penned this haunting lament, sung movingly by long-time collaborator, BBC Music Award winner, Martyn Joseph, who composed the melody… ‘Magnificent’ - folking.com

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A Royal viewing and reading

On 1st February, HRH The Prince of Wales visited the ‘Metamorphosis’ ikonography exhibition at The London Jesuit Centre.

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Carol’s latest ikon, Archangel Raphael, has been chosen for inclusion in a new exhibition

Carol’s latest ikon, Archangel Raphael, has been chosen for inclusion in the new exhibition, ‘Metamorphosis’ at The London Jesuit Centre  in Mount Street, in London’s Mayfair.

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