Contact Stewart & Carol Henderson

For bookings/school bookings.

Polite notice: In keeping and empathy with the great American writer, Annie Dillard - please don’t use Wikipedia to find out information about me, as it’s not accurate. Apply to me for any particular information, please. Our website is as accurate as it gets. Thank you for even looking us up.

Unfortunately, I am unable to enter into any correspondence regarding unsolicited poems forwarded to me, ditto small anthologies, and especially, large ones. Also, I have little idea how anybody gets published, including me; and much as I would like to help, I haven’t got the time.

Likewise, I am unable to view or comment on unpublished novels, short stories, long sagas, song lyrics, lost treasure maps, which is an oxymoron – like fun run; prototype designs for potato peelers, or party manifestoes. Basically any written material you have sweated over I can not comment on such.….But I do wish you well. Write your heart out…and see where it gets you.

For prospective schools’ bookings for Stewart, please visit