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Especially, now...

Especially, now... - £6.99 + P&P

Stewart’s latest collection of 28 poems sees him at his ingenious and subversive best.  Funny and exhilarating, trenchant and tender.  “Especially, now…” is both consolation and celebration…’words to whistle in the tumult’, plus 5 new children’s poems in the ‘ Reading Corner’ section of the book.

Vesper Sky

Vesper Sky - £10.00 + P&P

A collaborative album of songs, poetry and music from Stewart Henderson, Yvonne Lyon and Carol Henderson

A Poet's Notebook

A Poet's Notebook - £8.99 + P&P

Stewart’s 2018 collection of 21 poems, preceded by an engrossing commentary on the sources and development of each. The book features a rare combination of poetic journal, cultural almanac, complete with the poet’s trademark humour and pertinent observations.

Poetry Emotion

Poetry Emotion - £6.99 + P&P

A collection of Children’s Verse, ideal for KS2, P4-7 and Collective Worship. Includes teachers’ notes.

Still, facing Autumn

Still, facing Autumn - £7.99 + P&P

Urban Angel

Urban Angel - £10.00 + P&P

Exploring the soul of the city.

Hardback book.

Poems by Stewart Henderson and Penelope Wilcock. Collages and Drawings by Ben Ecclestone.

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